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2023 the year of the Mexican avocado

The avocado industry and much of the agricultural subsectors spent 2022 with high uncertainty throughout the year. Despite Mexico’s leadership in producing and exporting avocados, the challenges in production continued due to the international context, especially in political and economic terms, causing the increase in the cost of inputs, logistics fees, and currency exchange. In addition, the US market’s oversupply reflected historically low fruit export prices.


At the beginning of 2023, the story looks different. Of the leading exporters in 2022: Chile, Spain, and Israel, they find little fruit availability, while Peru, South Africa, and Kenya are preparing to harvest in the coming months. The scenario has been reversed. We went from having an oversupply last December to having a shortage.

Interest rates, exports, and remittances supported the peso in 2022

The current scenario is a substantial opportunity for Mexico, with the capacity to harvest avocados for the entire year. The Mexican peso currency remains strong, closing last year at 19.50 per US dollar, posting a 5.1% gain in the 12 months to December 31. The coin also demonstrated resilience and stability, with an exchange rate between 19 and 21.50 pesos per dollar until 2022.


The economy continued to recover from the 2020 recession, and by the third quarter, the production of goods and services had returned to pre-pandemic 2019 levels. Gross domestic product is expected to have ended 2022 up 3%.

More than a hundred tons of avocados for the US

With the arrival of Super Bowl LVII at the beginning of February, the demand for avocados is expected to increase four weeks before the big event. Additionally that the marketing efforts of the Association of Producers and Packers of Avocado Exporters of Mexico (APEAM), under the Avocados From Mexico brand, encourage massive purchases internationally.


Undoubtedly, 2023 begins with a positive outlook for avocado exports in Mexico. As members of this industry, we know that this is a road with ups and downs, so the only thing left to do is make the most out of the positives of this season opener.

The Next Step In Agriculture: digitization

Agriculture is currently facing numerous challenges that call into question of judgment the sustainability of all activities involved, so innovation within the sector, rather than being an option, is necessary.

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El siguiente paso de la agricultura: digitalización

La digitalización se ha involucrado, indudablemente, en todas las esferas de nuestra vida y la agricultura no es la excepción. Si bien, podemos tener muchos cuestionamientos respecto a los rápidos avances digitales de estos últimos años, es innegable que en términos de eficiencia no hay otro camino que podamos seguir más que transitar hacia una transformación digital.

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La transformación agroalimentaria de Frutos Guadalajara

El ser disruptivo dentro de uno de los sectores de mayor tradición a través de la historia de la humanidad no es una tarea fácil, requiere de compromiso y constancia, puesto que lo socialmente establecido ha estado arraigado por generaciones. Los puntos que he compartido en este artículo son una mezcla que nos ha ayudado a construir una nueva normalidad y da pie al nuevo modus operandi que dejamos como herencia a este sector.

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2023 the year of the Mexican avocado

Despite Mexico’s leadership in producing and exporting avocados, the challenges in production continued due to the international context, especially in political and economic terms, causing the increase in the cost of inputs, logistics fees, and currency exchange

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2023 El Año del Aguacate Mexicano

Los comienzos de 2023 parecen favorecer a las exportaciones mexicanas dentro del mercado europeo del aguacate. De los principales exportadores del fruto en 2022: Chile, España e Israel, se encuentran con poca disponibilidad de fruto, mientras que Perú, África del Sur y Kenya se preparan para cosechar en los próximos meses. El escenario se ha invertido, pasamos de tener una sobre oferta en diciembre pasado a tener escasez.

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Contact us

Buenos Aires 2362, Circunvalación Americas, 44630 Guadalajara, Jalisco. México.