We are land
keepers; fruit is
our profession.

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The future of agriculture and youth involvement

On October 20, I had the opportunity to attend some presentations at the Global Gap Tour in Guadalajara, Mexico. I immediately identified with the theme, Building the field of the future, since, at Frutos Guadalajara, it is a current of thought on which we base ourselves to develop our action strategies.

The topic of reflecting on the industry’s future is not limited to technological tools and process innovation. The involvement of the younger population is essential for the sector’s sustainability.

According to data published by the FAO, minor (aging) farmers in developing countries produce most of the world’s food. They tend to have little resilience to adopt new technologies to increase the productivity of fields sustainably. On the other hand, the involvement of young people in agricultural activities has been a matter of interest in the international development plan due to the growing concern that new generations do not feel a connection and interest in agriculture.

About 85% of the world’s youth live in developing countries, where agriculture represents a crucial source of income; that is, the world’s youth are mainly in the third world, where, at the same time, is presenting a lack of interest in living in rural areas.

«Around the world today, we live in an era where rapid urbanization has led to a decline in rural populations and, for the first time, the majority of the world’s population lives in a city. The United Nations World Health Organization predicts that by 2030, 6 out of 10 people will live in a town, and by 2050, this proportion will increase to 7 out of 10 people». FAO, 2014

More young people than ever before are moving to cities in search of job opportunities and to improve their quality of life. With this projected concentration of the world’s population in urban areas, it is easier to understand why the number of young farmers is declining.

At Frutos Guadalajara, we have been committed to the sustainability of the agricultural sector for more than four years. Within this path, we detected that informality within some areas of the value chain is a significant challenge to applying new techniques and technologies that contribute to our goal. Under these two challenges, we saw as part of the solution attracting young talent that shares our principles, is resilient to new processes and technologies, and is open to learning and contributing knowledge to innovate.

Below, I share some specific actions that we have applied in Frutos Guadalajara to attract, train, and develop young talent within the agricultural sector:

The billions of dollars lost within the value chain

We are land keepers; fruit is our profession. Discover more information about our work. The billions of dollars lost within the value chain Enough food is produced worldwide to feed the entire population, yet nearly a billion people suffer from chronic hunger. This problem has different origins depending on the geographical area to which we refer; however, huge amounts of food are wasted within the value chain. According to an estimate by the FAO, a third of the food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted each year, worth 1.2 trillion dollars.
  1. Professionalize organizational processes and structure.

In attracting young professional talent, the organizational structure must be up to the aspirations of the new members; there should be order and planning that avoids ambiguity between responsibilities in a way to have a clear path of growth so that they can visualize their growth within the organization.


2. Improve the image of agriculture and involvement in virtual media

The media rarely presents agriculture as a field for young professionals and can be seen as outdated, unprofitable, and arduous. There is a need to generate greater awareness of the benefits of farming as a career among young people, particularly opportunities for greater market participation, innovation, and agriculture as a business.


3. Add curriculum value

Constant training is valuable for younger professionals and links to continuous innovation.


4.Empower the team to share ideas and opinions

In enabling youth to transform agriculture and addressing barriers to participation, The new generations demand spaces where they can apply and develop their knowledge due to their high education.


5. Investment in innovation and development

New technologies are available which can help mitigate the effects of climate change and produce more food with fewer inputs.

A younger generation can help introduce new technologies while learning from traditional methods, maintaining the potential to offer the perfect blend of contemporary and standard solutions to some of the world’s biggest challenges.



Reaching the sustainability of the agro-industrial sector requires the involvement of new generations of professionals committed to the technological and process transition. The organizations that intervene are spaces that are up to young talent’s life and professional aspirations.








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Contact us

Buenos Aires 2362, Circunvalación Americas, 44630 Guadalajara, Jalisco. México.