The Next Step In Agriculture: Digitization
Agriculture is currently facing numerous challenges that call into question of judgment the sustainability of all activities involved, so innovation within the sector, rather than being an option, is necessary.
Digitization has undoubtedly been involved in all our lives, and agriculture is no exception. Although we may have many questions regarding the rapid digital advances of recent years, it is undeniable that in terms of efficiency, there is no other path we can follow other than moving toward a digital transformation.
A digital transformation refers to integrating technology in all areas, fundamentally changing how it operates, and delivering internal and external value to the organization. It is also a cultural shift that requires organizations to challenge the status quo continues. Within agriculture, this transformation can involve everything from the use of automated machinery to the use of artificial intelligence to manage resources and predict future scenarios.
Below, I share some reasons why digital transformation is necessary within the sector:
2023 the year of the Mexican avocado
Any transformation must balance the environmental benefits with those of profitability. The waste generated within this sector creates ecological impacts and means sacrifice for the participants in the chain, where, unfortunately, farmers are the most affected.
Productivity and efficiency
By implementing digital technologies, farmers can increase their productivity and efficiency. For example, they can use precision farming techniques to apply fertilizers and pesticides only where needed, reducing waste and improving crop yields. They can also use automated machines to perform repetitive tasks, freeing time for more complex and strategic work.
Knowledge is power, and having real-time data allows farmers and business people to make relevant decisions to prevent any mishap or unwanted near future. On the other hand, we can have data regarding weather patterns, soil moisture, and crop growth. With all this information, we can apply more specific actions within each phase of the production chain that translates into less waste and more incredible organizational performance.
As I mentioned earlier, agriculture is one of the most wasteful sectors in the world. The environmental impacts these causes are immeasurable, as well as the tremendous administrative losses that it represents for all those involved. Digitization and accounting of all resources contribute to reducing these losses.
Customer and investor experience
Good fences make good neighbors. Those involved in agriculture at the industrial level know the importance of having the house in order and clarity for who decides to be part of this project. Therefore, the tracking, recording, and precision of all data provided by the digitization of processes is a powerful negotiation tool.
Culture and leadership
Not only clients and investors but the internal team involved in the organization of the agricultural company also benefits from the flow of data that contributes to improving its actions and the justification of its objectives.
Knowledge, tracking, and cost of all resources clarify the panorama for everyone, provide tools to justify each decision, and take action on those responsible for each process.
As the demand for food and the world population increases, digital transformation must be a priority to face the present and future challenges that agriculture faces in environmental, economic, and social terms.
The Next Step In Agriculture: digitization
Agriculture is currently facing numerous challenges that call into question of judgment the sustainability of all activities involved, so innovation within the sector, rather than being an option, is necessary.
El siguiente paso de la agricultura: digitalización
La digitalización se ha involucrado, indudablemente, en todas las esferas de nuestra vida y la agricultura no es la excepción. Si bien, podemos tener muchos cuestionamientos respecto a los rápidos avances digitales de estos últimos años, es innegable que en términos de eficiencia no hay otro camino que podamos seguir más que transitar hacia una transformación digital.
La transformación agroalimentaria de Frutos Guadalajara
El ser disruptivo dentro de uno de los sectores de mayor tradición a través de la historia de la humanidad no es una tarea fácil, requiere de compromiso y constancia, puesto que lo socialmente establecido ha estado arraigado por generaciones. Los puntos que he compartido en este artículo son una mezcla que nos ha ayudado a construir una nueva normalidad y da pie al nuevo modus operandi que dejamos como herencia a este sector.
2023 the year of the Mexican avocado
Despite Mexico’s leadership in producing and exporting avocados, the challenges in production continued due to the international context, especially in political and economic terms, causing the increase in the cost of inputs, logistics fees, and currency exchange
¿Cómo establecer una huerta de aguacate?, ¿Por dónde empiezo?
Antes de establecer un cultivo de aguacate, lo principal es considerar algunos factores agroecológicos que serán determinantes a la hora del desarrollo de nuestras plantas.
2023 El Año del Aguacate Mexicano
Los comienzos de 2023 parecen favorecer a las exportaciones mexicanas dentro del mercado europeo del aguacate. De los principales exportadores del fruto en 2022: Chile, España e Israel, se encuentran con poca disponibilidad de fruto, mientras que Perú, África del Sur y Kenya se preparan para cosechar en los próximos meses. El escenario se ha invertido, pasamos de tener una sobre oferta en diciembre pasado a tener escasez.